Resume Improvement

Ways to write better resume.

  • KISS - Keep it short, simple

    • 1 Sheet, at most 2 page

  • Not only what product done, also how they improve the company

    • To blow agents mind you have to mention your personal ROI (return of investment) and "time to ROI" on your previous position. For example, if your salary was 5$k/m, you completed a project in 3 months and brought back to the company 60$k than your ROI is 45/15**100 = 300% and "time to ROI" is 3 months. It's essentially just one thing any company wants to know about you - how good you as an investment. Boom!

  • Contact should be visible, easy to find you

    • Maybe copy contacts to "header" and "footer" to increase its visibility

  • Be professional

    • Hobbies, personal interests should not in resume


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