In Use
Tools that in active usage.
Macbook Apps
Here lists softwares I installed in current using Macbook
Visual Studio Code - editor for projects, quite resource consuming
Sublime Text 3 - editor for simple files, lightweight
DBeaver - Multi-database GUI client, supports MySQL/MariaDB, Progresql, Oracle, etc
Sequel Pro - MySQL/MariaDB Client with intuitive GUI. Use nightly version to prevent a bug in stable version
Valentina DB - Progresql client
Postman - Curl Request in intuitive GUI
Sourcetree - Free Git Repository Manager
iTerm2 - Mac Terminal alternative
Virtual Box - Build Windows VM
Docker - Container manager
FileZilla - FTP client
Microsoft Teams - Online meeting
Zoom - Online meeting
Karabiner-Element - Mac key mapping
Rectangle - Window location manager
Thunderbird - email client and RSS Reader
Nextcloud - Self-host cloud storage
Brew - Mac software installer
tmux - terminal splitter
Google Chrome - Browser
Mozilla Firefox - Browser
Twitch - Streaming
Spotify - Music player
Telegram - Messenger
Signal - Messenger
Discord - Messenger
calibre - ebook Manager
gnucash - Finance Tracker
Website Bookmarks
Dead Link Checker - Check if any page of the website contains any broken link.
IP to Long IP Converter - IP <=> Integer
Epoch & Unix Timestamp Conversion Tools - Human date <=> Timestamp
JSON lint - JSON validator and parser
Random string generator - String operations
Regex 101 - Regular expression builder and tester
regexr - Another regex builder and tester
Diff checker - Passage diff comparer
.htaccess check - .htaccess file checker
iHateRegex - Regex template for several use case
Github profile readme generator - Github profile readme generator
LetterCount - Just count the letter
CyberChef - Text parser
Remark: I need a all-in-one char process web app to integrate my use
Others - Graph drawer
Junk call checker - Hong Kong Phone Number check origin
Markdown Cheatsheet - Cheatsheet of the common markdown
Browser Extensions
VisBug - Open source web design debug tools
Dark Reader - Force dark theme webpage
wappalyzer - Auto detect tech stack used in webpage
Self-host services
pi.hole - ADs blocker by DNS blackhole routing
3-rd Party Services
Cloudflare - DNS, DDOS protection, etc
Godaddy - Domain Purchase
Namecheap - Another domain Purchase, normally cheaper than Godaddy
GitBook - Platform used for storing passage, or documentation
Netlify - Hosting service with CI/CD features
Last updated