
Artificial Intelligent

  • kur - Open Source Deep learning without coding


  • Git - experience Version Control System

  • GitUp - Git visualization tool

  • Fork - Another git visualization tool

  • GitX-dev - Another git visualization tool

  • CloudCraft - AWS architecture visualization

  • Taskade - Task organisation, can used for collaboration

Command Line

  • Click - experience Python library helps build up Command Line Interface in quick and intuitive way.

  • tqdm - CLI progress bar visualization


  • mermaid - Use it's own syntax to generate different types of graphs

  • Frink - Calculation tool for unit convertion and mathematics

  • Hermes - Message Queue with RESTful interface

  • safecopy - data recovery tool

  • Navicat - database client

  • Telegraf - The plugin-driven(in configuration) server agent for collecting & reporting metrics

  • PostgreSQL - SQL statement similar with MySQL but rumors said a bit faster

  • Flyway - Database schema versioning tool

  • Plod - Data graph hosting with charts

  • Grafana - Interface for data visualization

  • shmig - Lightweight version of Flyway

Database Client


  • apiStar - OpenAPI or Swagger schemas toolkit


  • direnv - Environment variable

  • Yarn - experience Package manager fully compatible with npm, but solves some problems of it. Document using version 2, but default installation using version 1. (20200714)

  • mkcert - Make a local trust development SSL certificate



  • Docker - Containerise tool

  • docker-compose - Container Management

  • dive - A tool for exploring a docker image, layer contents, and discovering ways to shrink your Docker image size.

  • Podman - introduction Open source container manager, Docker alternative

  • skopeo - introduction Open source container registry, Docker Hub alternative

  • Moby - Toolset related to Containerization

Frontend Interface

  • ReactJS - Web frontend framework using virtual DOM to control the components' behaviour and appearance

  • React - React + Sketch

  • LATEX.css - Webpage in LATEX style

  • Kendo UI - JavaScript UI components

  • Leaflet - Place custom marker on map using JavaScript

  • HTML5 Up - Open source templates which are responsive and using HTML5 + CSS3

  • Bulma - CSS framework based on flexbox

  • Tailwind CSS - CSS framework, Bootstrap like, but only layout styles barebone

  • Svelte - UI JS library in reactive programming philosophy

  • Feathers - Web framework

  • React Rainbow - UI React component

  • Vercel - Framework for JavaScript frontend development

Fullstack Framework

  • Laravel - Full featured PHP framework with elegant syntax and good code design

  • Yii2 - Full featured PHP framework can be easily pick up

  • Django - Full-featured python web framework

  • Tornado - Python web framework and asynchronous networking library


  • toy - Open source game engine using C++ as language

  • ct.js - 2D game engine using JavaScript

  • Phaser - JavaScript engine for games on browser

  • 2Dimensions - Build games run on browsers

  • cocos2d - Thin layer to build games in C++


  • DigitalOcean - Hosting

  • Heroku - Container as a Service

  • WebFaction - Coporates with GoDaddy

  • Netlify - Uses AWS with containers for website hosting, detailed configuration can be set

  • Vercel - Uses AWS with better CDN then Netlify, targets zero config deployment


  • KDevelop - Open Source, for C++, Python, JS, PHP

  • Android Jetpack - Libraries, tools, and guidance to build Android Apps, Kotlin

  • SonarQube - Automated programming code analysis, include CI/CD and security issues




  • Kong - Proxy which allows user to control network access with RESTful API

  • - JS engine used for communication

  • passivedns - Monitor DNS query and result within network

  • HTTP View - Intercept and examine HTTP endpoint


  • Insomnia - Curl with good UX, Postman alt.

  • Cryptii - Text convertion website

  • asciidoctor - Change asciidoc to HTML5, DocBook or others

  • Sizzy - Test responsive UI in different size at the same time

  • - Developer Utilities for macOS, mostly about text processing


  • mitmproxy - Proxy logs all HTTP request

  • Fiddler - Another Proxy logs all HTTP request

  • OpenResty - Available to run some code(Lua) within Nginx configuration files

RESTful API Framework


  • JWT - experience Standard to verify token across servers

  • streisand - Bridge to VPN services

  • pfSense - free network firewall distribution

  • WireGuard - Open source VPN

  • loginsrv - Standalone minimalistic login server providing a JWT login for multiple login backends




  • WorkflowCI - Workflow control manager, different components integration


  • async - Asynchronous Javascript with no dependencies

Other's List

Last updated